Each piece is hand made with great patience, care and just a little sprinkling of magic !
Many creators of similar products use readily available standard bottles and as such offer a limited range of products they can replicate easily.
We strive to seek out unusual bottles, decanters and vases to create unique works of impossible bottle art. These have been collected from antique shops and art fairs so you can be sure that no two pieces are exactly alike (unless stated in the description)
The use of brass ingots, wooden puzzles, brass nuts, catapults and the hour glass, are all copyright to Max Gordon of impossiblebottles.co.uk and as such may not be copied without written permission.
Only originals carry the "Imp" logo, everything else is a copy.
The inspiration for these amazing objects came from the work of Harry Eng, the originator of the art.
You can see some of his amazing creations in